How To Get Your Kids to Really Love Reading

The best way to forge a positive relationship with reading for your child is to help encourage a love for reading. A love of reading is a love of learning, and it is not only linked to better academic success and performance, but it can also lead to a more fulfilling life, overall.

Make reading a part of your lives. Making something a habit is one thing, and it can certainly help. If you schedule in some nightly story time every day, you can certainly make reading a part of your child’s life. It can help reading feel like a normal part of the day instead of an extraneous activity that they may or may not feel like doing. Setting aside time to read can differ from family to family depending on their schedule and their preferences, so find a time that works for you and make it stick!

Let them see you read, too. Reading with your child is one thing, but it helps if they see you read on your own, too. Children learn a lot by seeing, therefore, you’ll notice that they will take after you by repeating certain mannerisms, using certain words, and wanting to do all of the things that you do. Making reading a part of your life can help you build your own positive habits but it can help send a positive message to your kids, as well.

Books, books, books! Populating your home with books and other sorts of reading material is also a good way to encourage reading. Having a variety of books, magazines, coffee table books, comics, etc. can help further drive the notion that reading is a part of life and it is more likely to become a part of your child’s life, too. Even if they simply peruse catalogs or look through classics, having books around can work wonders. In addition to books around the house, also try to give your child a little library of their own.

Personalize their books. Make them the star. When populating your child’s own personal library, consider getting personalized books as well. Personalized books include your child’s name, and sometimes other attributes, in order to create a unique story where they are at the center of all the action. Personalized books, like those we publish, can help make your child’s library feel more like their own, and  they can help make books and reading more of a personal experience, too. Personalized books are great for kids who may be reluctant readers, but once they hear that they are the hero, they will be much more inclined to want to find out more!

Personalized Books

Get graphic. Graphic novels and comics have come a long way, and nowadays there are plenty of critically acclaimed works that adults are scrambling to get their hands on. Comics and graphic novels can be a great gateway to reading for kids who may be reluctant to read, kids who may have issues with reading because of a reading disability like dyslexia, or even children who have difficulties imagining abstract concepts because of another learning disability. Images and dynamic scenes play out across the pages and can help instill interest in kids of all kinds.

Let them get the pick of the week. Kids may not always like what they’re reading in school, especially if it is for a project or an assignment. There may be a number of different reasons as to why this is, but many children might feel turned off because of the link to school and homework specifically. Remember to let your kids pick out what they want to read every once in awhile.  Give them some space and freedom to broaden their horizons and pique their own sense of curiosity whether they are looking for a book to read for fun or a book to share with you at story time.

Consider tablets and other formats. With apps and games becoming increasingly popular, as well as general mobile-device usage, kids may also have fun playing around with ebooks. Ebooks can sometimes be interactive as well, including game-like aspects and illustrations that can further help interest them in the story they’re reading.

Give them incentives. You might feel like bribing them, but after a while kids may begin to continue reading on their own without any idea of a reward. Let them stay up later to read, offer to buy them books or take them to parks and other places that are near the library, etc. You can try rewarding them for reading books, however, making it seem like more of an accomplishment when they do can help to instill a feeling of satisfaction on their own that can drive their interest and keep it going the more they read.

Make reading a special treat, too. Making reading an everyday thing is important, but it can be special, too. Try making a dedicated reading nook in your home or in your child’s room to help encourage them to use the space. You can also make family outings of going to the bookstore or to the library to get new books a special gift.

Let them work at their own pace. Whether your child wants to eat up books or take them in slowly, make sure that you still respect their wishes. Instilling an interest in books and encouraging them to do so is important, and it can work – as long as you don’t push them too hard and allow them to soak stories in at their own pace.

Tips on How to Get Your Kids Motivated to Read More in 2015

With the New Year upon us, it’s a great time to set reading goals for yourself and even your kids. Before another busy year gets underway we recommend setting these goals early in the year. Below find some tips on starting the goals and keeping the kids motivated and encouraged in completing them throughout the year.
  1. Make reading goals fun by treating them like games and offering incentives as rewards.  Little rewards like trips, treats and other simple prizes can be a great way to encourage kids to read more in the upcoming year.
  2. Get children involved in their goal setting by letting them design and create their own reading calendar, hence, turning their goal setting into an arts and crafts project. When children are involved in setting their own goals the response to completing those goals will be much higher than if parents created their goals for them.
  3. Take frequent trips to the library and allow kids to get exposed and engaged with new and different stories. Allow children to choose their own books to read. It’s okay if they choose a comic book or a rhyme and riddles book, the goal is that they are reading.  It doesn’t always have to be educational. When kids choose their own books they will make it a point to read and enjoy it.
  4. Build their self-esteem all while promoting literacy by purchasing unique stories starring the child as the main character.  KD Novelties offers personalized children’s books for kids of all ages.  From educational, to fairy tales, to superhero adventures their broad selection of books can help keep kids busy for the entire year.
  5. For younger kids parents should role-play the stories being read or have a costume party based on the theme of the book.  For older kids having them draw or make a collage of the story will help them have fun and anxious to move onto the next book. 

Browse the KD Novelties articles on this blog for more insightful resources and reading tips.

Keeping Kids Enthusiastic About Learning

School is back in full swing. The first few weeks of school are usually pretty straightforward. Everything is still new, kids are still getting used to their new teachers, new classmates, new friends, new classrooms, or maybe even new schools and overall schedules. No matter what your little student is going through, there can come a time when kids grow bored or frustrated with school. This usually occurs after the first month or so of school, when homework and learning really kick in and begin to become a real part of children’s lives. There are some ways to keep your kids happy and focused during the school year, keeping them excited and enthusiastic about learning and school.
1.     Ask them about their day. Asking kids about what they do at school, making sure to ask for specifics, can really encourage them to pay more attention during the school day. Talking and having conversations with kids as if they are adults gives them a sense of importance, and this in turn helps them believe that what they do at school has significance; not just for them but for you as well. Being able to partake in grown-up conversations can keep them interested in their studies especially when they get to share what they learn with their parents.
2.     Read with them. Reading a book with your child and making it a regular thing can be extremely helpful. If they have a book to read for school, have them read it to you and ask them questions about the book or the chapters read that day. Making an activity out of a task can make it something for kids to look forward to, and if you ask them questions, they can better develop their critical thinking skills as well.
Kids Reading
3.     Create activities based around what they are learning in school. Scheduling trips to the Natural History museum when kids are learning about wildlife or planning a trip to see the Liberty Bell when they learn about US history can be beneficial to learning. Kids can understand that learning does not just happen in the classroom and encourages them to learn from the world around them. 
4.     Ask kids to write or draw about their day. Have your kids keep a journal. Ask them to write about what they learned, what happened in school or to tell a story in words or pictures. This will not only help improve their memory, but also improves their skills when it comes to thinking complexly. The ability to draw an idea or write a story about something they learned can help kids learn to understand complex ideas in different ways. A journal will also make a great memory when they get older. Encourage them to share their entries with the whole family as well.

5.     Remember to be supportive. If a child is expressing difficulty with school, whether academically or socially, listen to them completely. Helping them find a solution and overcoming it together can help drastically improve their attitude and their learning experience. Some kids have a harder time adjusting or staying focused than others, but sometimes all it takes is a different approach to help get them back on the right track.
Visit KD Novelties for unique personalized books that will get kids excited about reading and learning.