Teaching Kids About Money

Teaching Kids About Money

Teaching Kids About Money

Teaching kids about money can be a strange concept for children. Many kids eventually develop an understanding that things cost money and money is needed for certain goods and services. However, they may not know where that money comes from or what its value really is. Teaching your kids even just the basics about money can help them with simple math. This knowledge will also help mold them into young savvy savers.

First Thing’s First: Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees

Many kids might think that in order to get money, all you have to do is go to the bank and ask for some. Take the time to explain where and how money comes from. You need to work hard to make money and the types of jobs they can obtain.  This will help them better understand that there is more to money than it simply being at a bank. Depending on how old your children are, you can provide them money or other forms of payment. This can be such as snacks in exchange for completing chores or helping around the house.

Giving Them the Goods

Whether you decide to give your children money in exchange for chores or as an allowance, you can use this as an opportunity to teach them budgeting. The best way to teach kids how to manage their money is to give them some. If they decide to spend their allowance on a new toy, then they won’t have enough left over for when the ice cream truck rolls around. This may sound like a hassle to deal with at first. However, first-hand experience is a great teacher and it is more likely to be a lesson they will remember.

Teaching Kids About Money and Responsibility

Spending vs. Saving

This can be a family activity that you do together, whether your child is helping you go grocery shopping or you are helping them look for the best deal on a toy they want. Looking at coupons, comparing prices, and making a budget together can be really helpful for forging good spending habits in the future. Plus, it can help teach them valuable, and thrifty, saving and spending skills.

Incorporating Fun Activities

There are many activities out there that can teach kids about money while at the same time helping with their math skills. These activities can be based around basic financial principles, including charitable giving, delayed gratification, budgeting, saving money, and compounding interest.  For more in-depth reading on how these fun activities can be implemented read here.

Helping Kids Learn to Write

Helping Kids Learn to Write

Helping Kids Learn to Write

Writing is a valuable skill. Though formal letter writing on paper has died out, correspondence via email and other mediums is just as strong as ever. Helping kids learn to write well, or at least convey a thought or idea effectively, is necessary no matter what your profession.

For kids, learning to write well can be incredibly useful in their academic career. Especially since they will surely have to write papers and complete their homework effectively. However, writing can also lead to a hobby as well as increase their reading skills.

As we all know reading and writing are intrinsically linked. Being able to read well and understand concepts can help kids become better and more effective writers, and vice versa. With young kids, it helps to start small and simple, just like you would with reading. Here are some practical tips parents and guardians can try to get their kids into writing and make them better writers.

The Right Instruments

Just like how introducing babies to cardboard or fabric books can get kids acquainted with books as objects, picking out big, fun writing instruments can have the same effect.  You’ll first want to get kids acquainted with writing out or tracing letters. Safe options for younger children can include big pieces of chalk to draw with on the sidewalk or board. You can even get a little messy with paintbrushes or finger paints. Making this fun can be a great introduction to writing.

Start Small

Once your child has gotten the grasp of writing, they can move onto other writing tools. Golf pencils (smaller and easier to grip for small hands) or crayons are a great beginning. These tools are generally easier for kids to work with while they get used to the act of writing.

Personalized Activity Books

Getting the Hang of Things

As kids learn how to write out full sentences, they may need practice keeping their letters uniform and their spaces between words consistent. There are special kinds of paper that have traceable letters and other helpful tools such as personalized activity books for kids to get used to. To help with spaces between letters, they can use stamps, their fingers, or even colored crayons they aren’t using to act as placeholders while they write.

Becoming Better Writers

As kids get older, their homework may include instructions for providing long-form answers whether they be a single sentence to a paragraph. When kids are at this age or writing level, it helps to boost their communication skills. Encourage them to keep a journal or to write their own stories. This can help them develop effective communication skills via writing, and they can get used to expressing their thoughts, feelings, and ideas through written words.

How to Deal with Reading Comprehension Challenges

Reading Comprehension Difficulty

Reading Comprehension Difficulty

What is Reading Comprehension

Reading isn’t just about recognizing words and spelling them out, it involves understanding the words and the overall message, too. Kids can understand the process of reading, but can still experience reading comprehension difficulty, that is, understanding what it is they just read once they’re finished.

Reading comprehension is a huge part of reading and it plays an intrinsic role in a child’s academic life, too. Reading comprehension is important in all subjects, not just Language Arts.

Understanding text is vital for subjects like history, math and science. With textbooks, homework handouts, and more, it is important that children are not only able to read but are able to understand what it is they are reading.

How to Handle Reading Comprehension Difficulties

One way to help kids engage with what they are reading is to ask questions. When reading to your child as well as with them, ask them a question or two before turning the page. See what they think about the story and the characters.

If they have difficulty answering the question, more work may need to be done, but some kids may be encouraged to pay more attention while reading if you actively ask them questions.

Sometimes, kids may not be able to answer questions right away because they are not used to thinking critically, especially if most of their brain power is being used to identify words and sound out letters. But as kids become better readers, answering these sorts of questions should become easier, and eventually second nature. If your child still exhibits difficulty doing so, then you may need to get some help.

Some signs that children are struggling with reading comprehension skills include:

  • Difficulty recognizing letters or matching letters to sounds
  • Difficulty pronouncing words
  • Small vocabulary for their age range
  • Difficulty making or identifying rhymes
  • Poor grasp of spelling
  • Difficulty recalling facts or numbers
  • Reverses letters
  • Has difficulty following directions
  • Unable to summarize a story

Some children may have reading comprehension difficulties because of underlying learning disabilities like dyslexia, which can be helped if caught early on.

Other issues that may interfere with reading skills include ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder), APD (auditory processing disorder) or visual processing issues.

Making sure that kids get the guidance and support they need early on can better ensure that they will grow into better readers with time. Pay attention to what your child excels at or struggles with to learn more about what they may need to become better readers.