Best Type of Books to Read with Babies

Read With Your Baby

If kids always have reading and books as a part of their everyday lives, they are more likely to develop a healthy relationship with both of them. It becomes more likely that children will pick up a book on their own, even if they are not prompted, which can help spark their interest in learning to read while building their literary skills.

One of the best ways to acquaint kids with books and reading is to introduce it an early age. It doesn’t matter how young your child is, it is never too early to bring books and reading into their lives. But since young children may not yet understand books or know how to read, it does help to expose them to books that they will still be able to enjoy and interact with regardless. So what are the best kinds of books for babies?

Board Books

Personalized Board Books for Babies

Board books are a great first-time book for any baby. These books are easy to look at and play with since babies don’t know how to read yet. The stiff pages are safer for babies who are still developing their motor skills, but it also helps kids learn to use their motor skills and allows them to explore the object physically without getting themselves hurt. Babies like to touch, but they also love to feel around with their mouths as well. It is one of the first ways that babies learn what objects are. Let your baby sift through the pages of a board book and there is no need to worry if they explore the books with their mouths, either. Doing so will allow your baby to develop a relationship with books in general, and simply having them around can help establish them as a staple object in the world that they can become familiar with and explore.

High Contrast Illustrated Books
Kids are easily dazzled by color, which is why toys and cartoons are so whimsically designed. It inspires their imagination and grabs their attention. By drawing your child to the pages of a book, they can begin to learn how to explore narratives through images while they develop this part of their brain as well as this particular learning skill. The images in a book can be just as captivating and educational as the words, especially for kids who have not yet learned how to read and whose worlds are still inherently visual. Engaging kids by inspiring this aspect of their brains can also help to harness an interest in books as well.

Word Games
Books that use language in creative ways can be really fun for children, especially for kids who are learning to speak or learning to read. Things like rhyming and sing-alongs are great ways to interest kids as well as teach them. Rhyme and song are great tools to employ when teaching kids something new, because it makes new concepts and ideas easier to remember.  Rhyming and repeating text helps build your baby’s early language skills.

Where Can I Get Baby Books and Sing-Alongs?

Personalized Rhyming Book

Check out our Little Little One personalized book which has repetitive text and rhyming that will grab your baby’s attention and build their vocabulary and memory skills.  We also offer personalized music CD sing-alongs where we insert your baby’s name into the song.  Lastly, we also have personalized baby board books where you can insert your child’s photo.

By adding this bit of personality into learning or reading, kids are more likely to get excited and more readily engage with whatever it is that they are doing.

Get Your Baby to Read

Personalized Children's Books
Personalized Baby Books
It’s never too early to get into a story, and babies are no exception. While babies may not fully understand the concept of a book, it’s important to let them explore and experience books. Our Personalized Baby Books build self-image and help babies with their recognition skills as well as leading to an early independent interest in reading! 

Babies use all of their senses to learn, and letting them experience a book in all of these ways can help your child create a positive relationship with books for life.  Just as babies are more receptive to learning languages during their first three years of life, they are also more receptive to reading as well. 

Children look to their parents for behavioral cues and pick many of them up, especially in their earliest years when parents are their main social connection and teacher. Read to your kids, be an enticing storyteller. Children can learn a lot from vocal cues and no one is immune to a well-told story. Not only that, but parents should read, too. Kids want to do whatever their parents are doing and learn a lot through imitation. Also, have books around the house, baby books, magazines, novels, you name it. Having books available makes books a fixed part of your babies growing world.
Remember, babies are exceptionally impressionable.  Not only can parents read along with their kids, point to pictures and be effective storytellers, but they can play reading games and use letter cards. While children are learning the language, they can learn how to read it at the same time as well. But remember, be patient. Babies will be babies and they learn best when they explore on their own, building a sense of independence. Don’t get frustrated if your baby loses interest or crawls away, moving around is part of their learning experience. Find the right moments to sit with them and expose them to the wonderful world of reading.