How and Why You Should Say NO to Your Kids

“No” may be a difficult thing for a parent to tell their child. Sometimes, it is out of frustration and exhaustion of saying “no” so many times to no avail. But other times, it can be difficult for other reasons too. Saying “no” is important though, especially since parents need to set clear boundaries for children so that they need to learn how to deal with frustration, how to cope with boundaries and expectations, and other aspects of life and behavior that will affect them as adults later on.

The Consequences

Children are constantly learning, asking questions, and pushing their boundaries. This is how they learn how to behave and when, so not setting clear boundaries can be detrimental. Saying “no” or setting limits later on may not take, and children may not have a firm grasp on concepts that should dictate their behavior, whether it is how to act in society or how to behave around others.

This may be difficult for parents with busy schedules. If you’ve exhausted your no’s, you may feel tempted to give in “just this once,” so you can relax and get on with your day. This line of thinking is understandable: not only are you tired, but you don’t want what little time you have with your children to be defined by bickering, arguing, and disappointment. However, giving in to a child’s every wish or demand can have consequences further down the road, and it can play a huge and difficult reverse effect on their sense of entitlement as well as how they interact with others.

Children who tend to get everything that they want also tend to be children who have a hard time interacting with or playing well with others. There is a certain “give and take” that they may not understand. Additionally, without any sense of delayed gratification, children may continue to have difficulties dealing with real-world problems because they are so used to getting what they want exactly when they want it.

But sometimes, simply saying “no” isn’t enough. Saying “no” and being clear about it is one thing, but it is also important for parents to understand where clarification may be necessary.

Saying “No” Without Actually Saying “No”

Sometimes, simply stating that a child cannot have or do something is enough, but many parents also understand that it can also lead to a tantrum or a constant barrage of questions. There are other ways to say “no” to something without actually saying the word, and it can help your child deal with things like waiting, delayed gratification, and simply being self-sufficient as well.

Finding an appropriate redirect is a great tactic. If a child asks for (or asks to do) one thing, you can turn them down by suggesting that they do something else instead. Choosing empowers children and makes them feel that their opinions are worth something. They will not feel ignored if they get to decide. Occupying their minds with something else is often a great distraction and can help you avoid a tantrum.

Even the use of other phrases can help, too. If you can say “maybe some other time,” or “maybe tomorrow/later,” or even simply “not today,” children may get the clarification they need to understand the “no” implied, but remain satisfied with knowing that what they want can be had or done at another time instead.

Do Not Give False Hopes

If phrases such as “not now,” “later,” etc. are used, be sure to keep your word because then it shows to your children you can’t be trusted, which can impact your relationship, and they could develop trust issues. Give a concrete period that your child can expect to have their wish granted. For example: “Not now, darling. We will buy that for your birthday.”

Respect Their Privacy

Do not embarrass your child in front of other people. Get their attention, go to a private place and clearly communicate your reasons for saying “no.” Disrespecting them in public can make your child resent you, especially if other people make fun of them. Remember, if you embarrass your child in public, they will learn to do the same to you!

Be On the Same Page

Sometimes one parent will say “no”, only to see the child go to the other parent for a “yes.” This can cause conflict between parents and create a manipulative habit in your child. Be sure to communicate with one another before answering your child. provides parenting resources and reading tips for parents of kids of all ages. Be sure to subscribe to the KD Novelties blog and share.

Common Complaints Kids Have About School and How To Combat Them

For many children, school takes up a good chunk of their young lives, and much of their attention and brain-power as well. Each child will have their own unique school experiences, and of course their own opinions and feelings about school. It may feel disheartening for some parents to hear their children complaining about something they may not have too much control over, but there are ways in which parents can help by simply listening.

Obstacles and Challenges
Kids are learning new things every day, and sometimes children can feel overwhelmed by not only the information that they are expected to learn and understand, but the tasks, assignments and necessary studying that they need to complete as well. Depending on how old your child is and what grade they are in, the problem may differ. Younger children may not be able to vocalize the exact source of their frustration, but it helps to weigh in with their teacher about it. Your child may be distracted, fidgety, or have another problem such as a learning or attention deficit problem that needs to be addressed. Sometimes it could be something as simple as who they are sitting next to or how much energy they have. For older children, finding the root cause may be easier. Your child may be able to point out a specific topic, homework assignment, skill or concept that is difficult for them. From there, you can set up supplemental study sessions, look into buying supplementary material, go to the library with them, or have them enrolled in after-school tutoring or study-buddy programs to help.

Teacher Woes
Hearing that your child does not like their teacher can be tricky. It’s important that you ask your child to explain where their dislike or frustration comes from because this will help you reach a solution. Maybe the teacher assigns too much homework, or has the class participate in activities or games that your child may not be fond of. If the issue is more personal, then it is important that you look into the matter further by setting up a meeting with the teacher and another school administrator. It’s important that parents gain some perspective and get the teacher’s point of view before moving forward with a solution in order to avoid any misunderstandings or other problems.

Morning Maladies
Though children tend to get up earlier than teenagers, not every child is the same, and some kids may have difficulties finding the energy to get ready and go to school in the morning. Feeling a little grumpy and groggy is normal – and let’s admit adults would rather shut their alarm clock up than actually get ready for work in the morning. But some kids may be especially tired, unhappy and unfocused in the morning. This can prevent them from doing well in school because they are not capable of giving their complete attention, but it can also be the sign of something more serious.

First, parents should examine their evening/bedtime, morning/wakeup routine. There may be a reason why your child isn’t sleeping well, causing them to get inadequate rest. But while tiredness can come from not sleeping well, it can also be the result of not eating well, too. Making sure that your children eat a balanced diet is vital, but many kids, and adults, fail to eat complete breakfasts due to busy schedules. Make sure you and your family are getting the sleep and the nutrients you need.

It’s important that parents listen to what their children have to say, and if they are complaining about something it is important that you find the root cause before telling them to do anything or jumping to conclusions about it. Some kids may have legitimate issues and complaints. Other children may be using complaints to cover up other problems, such as issues with classmates or even a learning disorder that they may not understand or feel embarrassed of. If you hear your child complaining about school, it’s important that you listen but also that you investigate the cause.

For more parenting resources and tips be sure to subscribe to the KD Novelties blog and visit us at for reading resources and products.

What to Keep in Mind Before Your Child Starts Reading

Reading is an essential skill and is the key to the future. Children typically learn to read on their own around pre-K level, but it is never too early to expose your child to books and reading in general.

One of the most important things that parents can do is read to their children, but reading has more benefits than many people realize. Even if a child can not read on their own yet, reading along with your child can help them develop key language and speaking skills, it can help train them to become better listeners, and it can also help them think more abstractly, too.

As beneficial as reading to your children can be, it also helps to make it more engaging. Even if they cannot read on their own yet, they can still engage with the text and the story itself. Ask them questions, inspire discussion, inspire them with what-if’s. These sorts of engaging questions can help kids to interact with books more closely even if they cannot read themselves and can also help to boost reading comprehension skills when they do. Reading is not just about the act of identifying words correctly, it’s also about the story, the characters, and the journey. With narrative text, asking questions can help kids think critically about the story and encourage them to ask questions and make inferences. These skills can also easily be applied to informational text, such as that found in textbooks and other materials children will see in school. By engaging with the text, kids can develop skills that allow them to understand abstract concepts and develop essential problem-solving skills.

Most importantly, asking questions about books helps kids think about books before they’re even reading. By the time they are able to read on their own, kids will have already developed a personal relationship with reading and may already develop a love for books as well.